Gamuda was established in Malaysia in 1976 and listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) in 1992. Since then, the business has grown to be one of the largest infrastructure companies in Malaysia. Gamuda has experience in delivering projects across engineering, construction, property development and infrastructure concessions. We provide quality solutions across rail, bridges, tunnelling, roads, airports, dams and water treatment facilities, and industrialised building systems.
Our values
We also believe in creating a high-performance work culture that’s fair and welcoming to all.
Take personal ownership
Walk the talk
Adopt open, honest communication
Demonstrate real teamwork
Develop our people
Society membership
Gamuda is actively involved in the construction and infrastructure community in Australia and is a member of several industry groups. in Australia
Roads Australia (RA)
<p>Roads Australia (RA) is the peak body for roads within an integrated transport system, and the premier policy and networking forum for Australia’s transport and infrastructure stakeholders. RA brings industry, government and communities together to lead the evolution of Australia’s roads, integrated transport and mobility networks. With more than 150 members spanning government, contractors, consultants and motoring clubs, they work collaboratively to deliver a robust, integrated land transport system for people and freight across all modes and infrastructure.</p><p><span class="gmd-line-btn"><a href="https://www.roads.org.au/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more</a></span></p>
The Australian Airports Association (AAA)
<p>The Australian Airports Association (AAA) is recognised as the leading national voice for the airport sector and has been connecting Australian airports for more than 30 years.</p>
Construction Contractors Association (CCA) Western Australia
<p>The CCA is the peak industry body for the major building and civil construction contractors in Western Australia. Through its members, the Association is responsible for $5 billion per year in West Australian turnover, undertaking more than half the major building and infrastructure work performed in WA. The CCA’s prime purpose is to represent the construction industry to public and private sector clients, and relevant stakeholders.</p><p><span class="gmd-line-btn"><a href="https://www.ccawa.com.au/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more</a></span></p>
Civil Contractors Federation (CCF)
<p>The Civil Contractors Federation NSW is the leading voice of the civil infrastructure industry in NSW. With nearly 500 NSW employer Members, their sole purpose is to protect, grow and provide a voice for their members.</p><p><span class="gmd-line-btn"><a href="https://www.ccfnsw.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more</a></span></p>
Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA)
<p>CEDA is an independent, membership-based think tank. In 2020, CEDA celebrates its 60th anniversary. Working with their members, they identify policy issues that matter for Australia’s future and pursue solutions which deliver better economic and social outcomes for the greater good. CEDA has <span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: 16px;"><a style="color: #ff0000;" href="https://www.ceda.com.au/Membership/CEDA-members/Member-Listing">770 members</a></span>. Their cross-sector membership spans every state and territory and includes Australia's leading businesses, community organisations, government departments and academic institutions.</p><p><span class="gmd-line-btn"><a href="https://www.ceda.com.au/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more</a></span></p>
Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA)
<p>The Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA) is a member-based, not-for-profit peak body operating in Australia and New Zealand with the purpose of enabling sustainability outcomes in infrastructure. ISCA’s greatest strength is their community of engaged stakeholders – they have a great deal of expertise within their network of members. They position themselves as a network for collaboration, discussion and education. ISCA's events, conferences and seminars facilitate knowledge sharing, and enable experts to get together in a focused environment.</p><p><span class="gmd-line-btn"><a href="https://www.isca.org.au/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more</a></span></p>
New South Wales Indigenous Chamber of Commerce
<p>The New South Wales Indigenous Chamber of Commerce (NSWICC) is a non-government, not-for-profit organisation and the peak body for Aboriginal business in NSW. Established in 2009, NSWICC works with Aboriginal entrepreneurs, business owners and communities to develop and accelerate their business goals through building skills, removing barriers and facilitating greater opportunities for Aboriginal people in the workforce. As a formal partner to the NSW Government, NSWICC is also an approved service provider of the Government’s Aboriginal Participation in Construction policy (APIC) which seeks to encourage greater participation and opportunities for Aboriginal people in government infrastructure projects across the state.</p><p><span class="gmd-line-btn"><a href="https://nswicc.com.au/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more</a></span></p>